We believe in the power of authenticity to organize ideas, amplify meaning, and move people.
Deadly by Design
The truth about gun violence in Pennsylvania — Behind most gun deaths is a system that is designed to be deadly.
Shapiro for PA
A post election video that celebrates Shapiro for PA’s people-centered campaign.
Women’s Law Project
Breaking down the Pennsylvania State Constitution, booktube style, for the Women’s Law Project.
Not Just Compensation
A group of exonerees come together in Harrisburg to advocate for a Just Compensation Law.
The Voter Project
A video and print campaign to build trust in the new vote by mail system by spotlighting community validators.
Governor Tom Wolf
A personal reflection by Governor Tom Wolf to coincide with his final Budget Address.
PA Planned Parenthood Advocates
A quick-turnaround statewide campaign to mobilize key voters in the 2021 Election.
GPS Impact
A variety of local and state-wide ads RL directed the photography and remote interviews for.